Regulatory Compliance Services

Are you planning to build a public pool? 

We can look at your plans to see if there are health and safety issues.

Want to consult on your unique and innovative public pool design feature?

  • We can review from a health and safety perspective to see if there are issues.

Was your application considered non-compliant by the Department of Health?

  • We can review the findings and help find a solution.

Have site conditions changed during construction?

  • We can review necessary design modifications during the build for health and safety issues.

We can review necessary design modifications during the build for health and safety issues.

Public Swimming Pool Design

Review & discuss design proposals for regulatory health & safety compliance

Want someone on-site during the final construction health and safety inspection?

  • We can meet the health inspector, confirm their measurements with state-of-the-art equipment, and help address issues.

Want assurance construction is on track to pass health and safety inspections?

  • We can inspect at any construction milestone to make sure everything is on track.

Want an inspection before the final plastering?

  • We can help you avoid costly fixes through a field inspection to see if there are any health and safety issues.

Need help with post-inspection health and safety negotiations?

  • We can review the health inspector’s findings and measurements and help you develop a plan.

State Public Swimming Pool Permitting

Represent & guide your permit through the regulatory health & safety process

Interested in having someone else handle Department of Health permitting for your public pool?

  • Let us navigate the permit process for you and work directly with the local state office. We can help with:

    • Reviewing applications for completeness
    • Assembling and submitting new and modification applications and fees
    • Maintaining annual operating permits

Construction Site Field Visits

Consult on health & safety related site design modifications during construction

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